Talbi N, Blekemolen MC, Janevska S, Zendler DP, Van Tilbeurgh H, Fudal I, Takken FLW. (2023) Facilitation of symplastic effector protein mobility by paired effectors is conserved in different classes of fungal pathogens. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2023 Oct 2. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-07-23-0103-FI. PMID: 37782126
Bissell AU, Rautschek J, Hoefgen S, Raguž L, Mattern DJ, Saeed N, Janevska S, Jojić K, Huang Y, Kufs JE, Herboeck B, Guo H, Hillmann F, Beemelmanns C, Valiante V (2022) Biosynthesis of the sphingolipid inhibitors sphingofungins in filamentous fungi requires aminomalonate as a metabolic precursor. ACS Chem Biol 17(2), 386-394.
Janevska S, Ferling I, Jojić K, Rautschek J, Hoefgen S, Proctor RH, Hillmann F, Valiante V (2020) Self-protection against the sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitor fumonisin B1 is conferred by a FUM cluster-encoded ceramide synthase. mBio 11(3), e00455-20.
Manfiolli AO, Siqueira FS, Dos Reis TF, Van Dijck P, Schrevens S, Hoefgen S, Föge M, Straßburger M, de Assis LJ, Heinekamp T, Rocha MC, Janevska S, Brakhage AA, Malavazi I, Goldman GH, Valiante V (2019) Mitogen-activated protein kinase cross-talk interaction modulates the production of melanins in Aspergillus fumigatus. mBio 10(2), e00215-19.
Janevska S, Güldener U, Sulyok M, Tudzynski B, Studt L (2018) Set1 and Kdm5 are antagonists for H3K4 methylation and regulators of the major conidiation-specific transcription factor gene ABA1 in Fusarium fujikuroi. Environ Microbiol 20(9), 3343-3362.
Janevska S, Tudzynski B (2018) Secondary metabolism in Fusarium fujikuroi: strategies to unravel the function of biosynthetic pathways. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 102(2), 615-630.
Niehaus EM, Rindermann L, Janevska S, Münsterkötter M, Güldener U, Tudzynski B (2018) Analysis of the global regulator Lae1 uncovers a connection between Lae1 and the histone acetyltransferase HAT1 in Fusarium fujikuroi. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 102(1), 279-295.
Arndt B, Janevska S, Schmid R, Hübner F, Tudzynski B, Humpf HU (2017) A Fungal NDimethylallyltryptophan Metabolite from Fusarium fujikuroi. Chembiochem 18(10), 899-904.
Janevska S, Arndt B, Baumann L, Apken LH, Mauriz Marques LM, Humpf HU, Tudzynski B (2017) Establishment of the Inducible Tet-On System for the Activation of the Silent Trichosetin Gene Cluster in Fusarium fujikuroi. Toxins (Basel) 9(4), 126.
Niehaus EM, Kim HK, Münsterkötter M, Janevska S, Arndt B, Kalinina SA, Houterman PM, Ahn IP, Alberti I, Tonti S, Kim DW, Sieber CMK, Humpf HU, Yun SH, Güldener U, Tudzynski B (2017) Comparative genomics of geographically distant Fusarium fujikuroi isolates revealed two distinct pathotypes correlating with secondary metabolite profiles. PLOS Pathog 13(10), e1006670.
Janevska S, Arndt B, Niehaus EM, Burkhardt I, Rösler SM, Brock NL, Humpf HU, Dickschat JS, Tudzynski B (2016) Gibepyrone Biosynthesis in the Rice Pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi Is Facilitated by a Small Polyketide Synthase Gene Cluster. J Biol Chem 291(53), 27403-27420.
Studt L, Janevska S, Arndt B, Boedi S, Sulyok M, Humpf HU, Tudzynski B, Strauss J (2016) Lack of the COMPASS Component Ccl1 Reduces H3K4 Trimethylation Levels and Affects Transcription of Secondary Metabolite Genes in Two Plant-Pathogenic Fusarium Species. Front Microbiol 7, 2144.
Studt L, Janevska S, Niehaus EM, Burkhardt I, Arndt B, Sieber CM, Humpf HU, Dickschat JS, Tudzynski B (2016) Two separate key enzymes and two pathway-specific transcription factors are involved in fusaric acid biosynthesis in Fusarium fujikuroi. Environ Microbiol 18(3), 936-956.
Michielse CB, Studt L, Janevska S, Sieber CM, Arndt B, Espino JJ, Humpf HU, Güldener U, Tudzynski B (2015) The global regulator FfSge1 is required for expression of secondary metabolite gene clusters but not for pathogenicity in Fusarium fujikuroi. Environ Microbiol 17(8), 2690-2708.
Niehaus EM, Janevska S, von Bargen KW, Sieber CM, Harrer H, Humpf HU, Tudzynski B (2014) Apicidin F: characterization and genetic manipulation of a new secondary metabolite gene cluster in the rice pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi. PLOS One 9(7), e103336.
*equal contribution #corresponding author